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Beauty that feels good on your face.
No more dark circles, puffiness, or clenched facial muscles.
Enjoy the luxury feeling with our Jade Facial Rollers, which are marvelous beauty tools that have been around since the 17th century and were originally used by Chinese royalty and high society members.
Why should you roll a spherical crystal over your face?
It has loads of beauty benefits:
Smoother skin
Reducing fine lines, dark circles, and puffiness
Stimulating collagen and improving elasticity
Increasing circulation in your skin
Helps tired skin
Makes your face look brighter
Overall healthier and glowing skin’s appearance
& is full of protective energy
While Jade Face Roller is full of beauty benefits, it is also known as a protective stone, that keeps the user from harm and brings harmony.
Jade is a symbol of serenity and purity, a wonderful stone that removes toxins and balances body fluids.
Make sure to use your roller on clean skin, before the use of your skincare products. The best way to do it is to cleanse your face, then roller, then apply your eye products, serums, and moisturizers.
The right way to use it:
- Before you begin rolling, make sure your skin is freshly cleansed.
- Start at the base of your neck and roll upwards, working against gravity.
- Once you've completed this on your neck, roll from your jawline up towards the middle of your cheeks.
- Then, from the middle of your chin make broad strokes with the roller out towards your ear, where the lymph drains from your face.
- Continue with the broad strokes and gradually move up your face, over your lips, under your nose, and from the bridge of your nose out to your ear using the small end of the roller to get the sensitive skin under your eyes and eyebrows.
- When you get to your forehead, use the large end of the jade facial roller to roll from your eyebrows up to your hairline.
- Finish by rolling from the middle of the forehead out towards the temples.
P.S. Keep it in the fridge for some added benefits, such as to decrease any I-barely-slept-last-night puffiness.
Treat yourself and buy this wonderful beauty item for yourself or show love by buying it as a gift to someone special.
- FREE shipping on all orders over $80 CAD!
- Orders are shipped directly from our warehouse within 24-48 hours for your convenience and maximum efficiency.
- Your product will arrive within 4 to 10 days, depending on the item you ordered.
- Shipment announcement. Due to a high volume of requests, the Orders placed after the 6th of December may expect longer delivery timing than usual. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.
Just shoot us an email or give us a call and we’ll send you a free of charge return label to ensure a hassle-free return.